Organizational Endorsement Form | Global Frackdown

Am 19. Oktober 2013  findet weltweit ein Fracking Aktionstag statt. Jeder Anti Fracking Gruppe sollte mitmachen. Diese Website sammelt Aktionen aller Teilnehmer und bündelt diese auch. Mitmachen und  eintragen! Weitere Infos gibt es auf:

Mission Statement:  Fracking for oil and gas is inherently unsafe and the harms of this industry cannot be fully mitigated by regulation. We reject the multi-million dollar public relations campaign by big oil and gas companies and urge our local, state, and national officials to reject fracking. We stand united as a global movement in calling on governmental officials at all levels to pursue a renewable energy future and not allow fracking or any of the associated infrastructure in our communities or any communities. We are communities fighting fracking, frac sand mining, pipelines, compressor stations, LNG terminals, exports of natural gas, coal seam gas, coal bed methane and more. Fracking is not part of our vision for a clean energy future and should be banned.

Organizational Endorsement Form | Global Frackdown.

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