Folgen der USA-Dürre: Fracking vernichtet Maisernten!

Die Farmer in den USA können in diesem Jahr nicht genug Wasser kaufen. Grund: Da die Frackingindustrie für ihre Unmweltzerstörung sehr große Mengen an Wasser (Trinkwasser) verbraucht, und diese Industrie mehr zahlen kann, steigt der Wasserpreis um das bis zu 300-fache. Damit wird das Bewässern der Maisfelder unrentabel.

Folge: Fracking-Firmen sind nicht nur Brunnenvergifter, sondern auch Erntevernichter!


Fourth-generation Colorado farmer Kent Peppler told the Associated Press (AP) that he is fallowing some of his corn fields this year because he can’t afford to irrigate the land for the full growing season, in part because deep-pocketed energy companies have driven up the price of water.
“There is a new player for water, which is oil and gas. And certainly they are in a position to pay a whole lot more than we are,” Peppler said.
In a normal year, Peppler would pay anywhere from $9 to $100 for an acre-foot of water in auctions held by cities with excess supplies. But these days, energy companies are paying some cities $1,200 to $2,900 per acre-foot.
In seven states, including Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming, the vast majority of the counties where fracking is occurring are also suffering from drought, according to an AP analysis of industry-compiled fracking data and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s official drought designations.

During Record Drought, Frackers Outcompete Farmers for Water Supplies – EcoWatch: Cutting Edge Environmental News Service.

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