Oil And Gas Emissions Chemical Signature Uncovered In New Study By CU-Boulder, NOAA

Wissenschafter aus den USA fanden nun eine Art chemischen Fingerabdruck für gefährliche Gase, die auch beim Fracking die Luft verpeseten. Nun kann man zweifelsfrei sagen, ob die Schadstoffe durch die Gasförderung oder z.b. Autoabgase entstanden sind.

Emissions from oil and natural gas operations account for more than half of the pollutants — such as propane and butane — that contribute to ozone formation in Erie, according to a new scientific study published this week.The study, the work of scientists at the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado, concluded that oil and gas activity contributed about 55 percent of the volatile organic compounds linked to unhealthy ground-level ozone in Erie.

Key to the findings was the recent discovery of a „chemical signature“ that differentiates emissions from oil and gas activity from those given off by automobiles, cow manure or other sources of volatile organic compounds.

Oil And Gas Emissions Chemical Signature Uncovered In New Study By CU-Boulder, NOAA.

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